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We are literally living in the Golden Age of cannabis. There are so many different products it can be difficult to choose which to use…or even which to try first. From gummies to blunts to tinctures to creams, you can get your marijuana in any and every shape and form.

On one end, you've got your well-known methods of consumption, like joints and bongs. On the other end, you've got your lesser-known forms of cannabis, like live resin and cannabis oil. It's this latter form of cannabis — cannabis oil — to which we'll devote our attention today.

Cannabis oil has been growing in popularity recently thanks to its ability to stop the growth of, and even destroy, cancer cells. It has other powerful medicinal effects (as you'll see below), but its anti-tumoral properties are the thing that gets most people excited.

In this article, we'll teach you how to make cannabis oil for yourself. That way, you can take advantage of all the healing without spending an arm and a leg. But before we get to the how-to, let's take a moment and learn what cannabis oil is and what it isn't.

All You Need To Know About Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil is a special type of marijuana concentrate that has saved and improved countless lives. Cannabis oil is essentially pure THC or CBD which can be consumed in much larger doses than is possible by smoking, vaporizing, or ingesting raw cannabis flower.


Cannabis oil, to be clear, is not the same thing as CBD oil. Do not buy CBD or hemp oils online. Such products are often produced from industrial grade hemp which lacks the critical anticancer THC cannabinoid. The industrial hemp used in these bogus medications is also often grown with harsh, inorganic chemical fertilizers as opposed to organic marijuana.


'The only way to know that you have the real thing is to produce the proper oil yourself' according to none other than the Obi Wan Kenobi of Cannabis Oil, Rick Simpson himself.

We'll summarize Simpson's cannabis-oil-making process into simple steps that any stoner will be able to follow. We'll also share some of his sage advice for treating skin diseases, proper dosing, and his tips for ingesting the oil.

Rick Simpson's Cannaoil Odyssey

Rick Simpson's story is one of those modern-day miracles that we've all heard, but don't know whether to believe or not. We're here to tell you that this one is true. Mr. Simpson survived a severe head injury as well as skin cancer using only cannabis oil that he made himself at home.

His story has created so much public interest in the reefer oil remedy that the term 'Rick Simpson Oil' is now synonymous with cannabis oil itself. Simpson first learned how THC reduced brain tumors in mice from a radio show that was discussing the results of a study from the University of Virginia two years after he witnessed his cousin die from cancer.


Rick Simpson's own difficulties started when he was using a highly-toxic aerosol spray to cover asbestos in a boiler room. The chemical was so powerful it caused his nervous system to shut down temporarily. He fell backward off his ladder and smashed his head on a protruding steel ring from a pipe.

Fortunately, Simpson doesn't recall any of this. But when he came to, '[He] was hung up in the pipes by the side of the boiler.' He managed to make it down from the pipes to his office but was too disoriented to use the phone to call for help. A coworker took him to the hospital when he came in to start his shift.

Simpson suffered from crippling head pain and a constant ringing in his ears for an entire year when he learned more about medicinal marijuana from an episode of Dr. David Suzuki's The Nature of Things. Simpson tried pot even though his doctor wouldn't prescribe it to him and it helped.

Simpson wasn't fully recovered from his head trauma though. He was still a 'chemical zombie.' He wanted legal access to medical marijuana as well, so Simpson asked his doctor if he would prescribe it to him as an essential oil. His doctor still refused to prescribe him cannabis.

Simpson's doctor did agree, however, that taking a marijuana oil extraction seemed like a better medicinal way of using cannabis compared to smoking it. Simpson's doctor also told him that they had exhausted every possible treatment for his head trauma.


That's when Mr. Simpson started making his own cannabis oil. 'Once the system gave up on me, I just continued making oil and taking it on a regular basis. The ringing was still there, but now I could live with it. Within a few months, people saw the difference. The oil controlled the pain, my blood pressure, and it allowed me to sleep. I lost weight and looked 20 years younger.'

Simpson began crossing swords with the medical establishment again in 2003 after his doctor surgically removed what turned out to be a patch of cancerous skin that was growing near Simpson's eye.

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Simpson recalled the radio report he listened to about cannabis killing cancer tumors in mice after he took the bandage off the red, infected, pussing patch of skin the doctor had removed. Simpson felt compelled to dab some of his oil on the cancerous spot. He also put some of his oil on band-aids and covered the two other cancerous skin growths on his face and chest.


'Four days later, I took the band-aids off and both bumps had disappeared,' Simpson says. The growth near his eye returned a few weeks later, but Simpson simply reapplied more of his oil and his skin completely healed after another four days.

Simpson could hardly wait to share the discovery with his doctor who had been completely reluctant to prescribe pot for Simpson's head trauma. Simpson told his doctor's wife and receptionist. 'I treated my skin cancers with hemp oil—' he began.

Gibson online casino. But he'd barely gotten the words 'hemp oil' out, he recalls, before the receptionist went ballistic: 'The doctor will not go there!' she yelled. 'The doctor will not prescribe this!'

Simpson, undaunted, applied his homemade 'hemp oil' to his mother's weeping psoriasis and the sores and scales on her skin both cleared up and completely disappeared within a few weeks. 'In the first year, I treated 50 to 60 people for various skin conditions,' Simpson says.

In fact, he was able to help terminally-ill patients given only weeks to live, to survive and recover from stage four terminal cancer by ingesting the cannabis oil. Simpson estimates that about 70% of terminal cancer patients, the ones with the least amount of chemotherapy, are most likely to survive and recover from cancer using cannabis oil.

Rick Simpson has since treated thousands of patients in Canada. He cannot visit the United States since he was convicted of marijuana possession, cultivation, and trafficking in Canada in 2007. Rick Simpson still freely shares his secrets for making homemade cannabis oil online, however.

Simpson himself was thankfully only fined $2,000. He also didn't have to serve the twelve years of jail time he was facing since the judge determined that there was no criminal intent in the case and since the scientific evidence supported his claims.

His prosecutor was actually seen running away to his car and driving off before the sentencing had begun.

How To Make Cannabis Oil At Home: Rick Simpson's Way


First, gather your ingredients. You will need:

  • Three to four hours for the process from start to finish.
  • 99.5% Isopropyl Alcohol. Use 2 gallons (7.57 liters) per pound or 2 cups (~500 ml) for an ounce of cannabis. We also suggest chilling your alcohol in a freezer overnight. It will separate the trichomes from the flower more easily.
  • Marijuana. Rick Simpson will use shake and trim to make topical solutions for skin afflictions. However, he insists that only the choicest, trichome-laden, cannabis indica colas should be used to make Canna Oil for treating cancer. The amount of cannabis oil that each strain can produce will vary, but one ounce of good organic marijuana will typically produce about three to four grams of oil. Rick Simpson's method works best with larger amounts of cannabis.

Next, gather your supplies. You will need:

  • Two stainless steel stock pots or food-grade plastic buckets.
  • Long wooden stirring spoon or 2×2 piece of chemical-free lumber.
  • Stainless steel rice cooker. Caution: A rice cooker with a non-stick surface will leach chemicals into your oil. Stick with stainless steel only.
  • A common electric cooling fan and extension cord.
  • Plastic funnels.
  • Coffee filters.
  • Empty clean plastic bottles.
  • Stainless steel measuring cup.
  • Coffee Warmer.
  • Large syringes.

Now, here's the step-by-step method for producing Rick Simpson's Cannabis Oil.


Step #1

Place your weed of choice in a steel pot or food-grade bucket. Dampen the plant matter with chilled isopropyl alcohol (your solvent), and then crush the mixture with a wooden spoon or 2×2 for about five minutes.

Step #2

Add more alcohol until the plant matter is completely immersed. Again, crush and stir the mixture for a further five minute. The crushing action is technically called a 'wash' because you are washing the trichomes from plant matter.

NOTE: Trichomes are the resin glands of the cannabis plant. They contain THC, CBD, and other medicinal cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, and CBT. These trichomes are the 'thing' that gets you high, cures your insomnia, reduces chronic pain, and may even cure cancer.

Step #3

Block the lip of the pot or bucket with a lid or your 2×2 and slowly pour the solvent into the second bucket. Try to keep as much of the marijuana plant matter in the first bucket for the next step. It's okay if some gets through—you're going to strain it later. But you want as much of the cannabis material left over in the first bucket as possible for the second round of washing.

Step #4

Pour more chilled alcohol into the first bucket until the plant matter is again immersed. Crush the cannabis with your wooden utensil for five more minutes. This step is known as the second wash.

Step #5

Again block the lip of the pot or bucket and slowly pour the solvent from the second wash into the bucket with the solvent from the first wash.

NOTE: The majority of the medicinal resins (75-80%) will be dissolved by the first round of washing. The second round of washing usually dissolves the remaining 20-25%. Because of that, a third round of washing isn't necessary.

If you do choose to do a third round of washing, keep the solvent from that round separate from the first two rounds. The third-round solvent should be used for topical applications, while the first- and second-round solvents should be reserved for ingestion.

Step #6

Leave the solvent to sit while you recycle any leftover plant matter into your compost. Once converted to super soil, you can use it to grow more organic marijuana.

Step #7

Rinse out the first bucket.

Step #8

Place a coffee filter inside a plastic funnel and insert the funnel through the mouth of a small plastic bottle. The size of your straining container will depend on how much solvent you used in the first few steps. You can also use a number of smaller straining containers instead of trying to find one large container.

Pour the mixture in the second bucket through the coffee filters to strain off any excess plant matter. Filter the solvent as many times as it takes to remove all the plant matter.

NOTE: At this point, the solvent will have taken on a dark yellow color. Don't worry. The color comes from the healing resins which are now dissolved in the alcohol. The color and the smell are also influenced by the terpenes that are present on the cannabis plant.

Terpenes are the pungent oils that create the distinct tastes and smells of the numerous pot strains. These flavors can range from sweet and fruity to skunky and earthy to everything in between.

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Step #9

Set up the rice cooker and the electric fan outside or in a well-ventilated area.


CAUTION: Make sure that there are no 'sparks, open flames, or red-hot elements' in your workspace because the alcohol fumes that you will cook off in your rice cooker are highly flammable and toxic to inhale.

Player model generator. Set up your fan so that it circulates air towards the vents on the bottoms of the rice cooker. See the picture above for a simple illustration of the cooker/fan arrangement. The reason for the fan is that it will prevent the alcohol fumes from condensing to a point where they can ignite.

NOTE: Rick Simpson adds, 'I have used this same process hundreds of times and have never had a mishap. But for your own safety, please follow the instructions and make sure the area is well ventilated.'

Step #10

Fill the rice cooker as much as three-quarters full with your marijuana solvent mixture. Don't fill the cooker all the way up or it will boil over.

NOTE: At this point, you may be wondering why you are using a rice cooker instead of a crock pot or just a pan and the stove. Rest assured that there's a very good reason for this choice. We'll outline the benefits of the rice cooker before we move on to the next step.

The purpose of the next few steps is basically twofold:

  • Separate the alcohol from the dissolved cannabis oil.
  • Decarboxylate the cannabis oil.

The vaporization (or boiling) point of isopropyl alcohol (the solvent you used in the first few steps) is around 181℉. The vaporization point of cannabis oil is a little over 300℉. The decarboxylation temperature for cannabis is in the low two hundreds (210-230℉).

Why do you need to know all these numbers? Because you have to maintain just the right temperatures so that your solvent boils off, your oil doesn't, and the leftover oil is decarboxylated.


Step #9

Set up the rice cooker and the electric fan outside or in a well-ventilated area.


CAUTION: Make sure that there are no 'sparks, open flames, or red-hot elements' in your workspace because the alcohol fumes that you will cook off in your rice cooker are highly flammable and toxic to inhale.

Player model generator. Set up your fan so that it circulates air towards the vents on the bottoms of the rice cooker. See the picture above for a simple illustration of the cooker/fan arrangement. The reason for the fan is that it will prevent the alcohol fumes from condensing to a point where they can ignite.

NOTE: Rick Simpson adds, 'I have used this same process hundreds of times and have never had a mishap. But for your own safety, please follow the instructions and make sure the area is well ventilated.'

Step #10

Fill the rice cooker as much as three-quarters full with your marijuana solvent mixture. Don't fill the cooker all the way up or it will boil over.

NOTE: At this point, you may be wondering why you are using a rice cooker instead of a crock pot or just a pan and the stove. Rest assured that there's a very good reason for this choice. We'll outline the benefits of the rice cooker before we move on to the next step.

The purpose of the next few steps is basically twofold:

  • Separate the alcohol from the dissolved cannabis oil.
  • Decarboxylate the cannabis oil.

The vaporization (or boiling) point of isopropyl alcohol (the solvent you used in the first few steps) is around 181℉. The vaporization point of cannabis oil is a little over 300℉. The decarboxylation temperature for cannabis is in the low two hundreds (210-230℉).

Why do you need to know all these numbers? Because you have to maintain just the right temperatures so that your solvent boils off, your oil doesn't, and the leftover oil is decarboxylated.

So why the rice cooker? Rice cookers are automatically set to maintain temperatures in the decarboxylation sweet spot. These temperatures are enough to get your solvent boiling but not enough to vaporize the oil. Crock pots often exceed 300℉ and a pot on the stove can be difficult to maintain a consistent low two-hundreds.

Now that you know why you're using a rice cooker, we can move on to the actual separation process.

Step #11

Set the rice cooker to its highest setting to boil off the alcohol solvent. Be sure the fan is running and is aimed at the rice cooker so the alcohol fumes don't condense and explode.

Step #12

As the liquid level in the rice cooker drops, pour in any remaining solvent but don't exceed three-quarters full. This step depends on how big your rice cooker is and how much solvent you produced in the first few steps of the process. If you only have a small amount, you may not need to keep adding solvent.

Step #13

When you're done adding remaining solvent to the rice cooker, and the level in the cooker is reduced to about two inches, add ten to twelve drops of water to mix. The water will help the remaining solvent boil off and will cleanse the oil of solvent residue.

Step #14

Hold the rice cooker with oven mitts and swirl it's oily contents while the last traces of alcohol boil completely off.

Step #15

When the process is near completion, you will notice three things:

  1. The leftover oil will emit a crackling sound.
  2. The oil will begin to bubble (that's the source of the crackling sound).
  3. Steam will start to escape from the oil. It may look like smoke, but don't worry, it's dark steam.

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When those three criteria are satisfied, the separation process is almost done.

Step #16

Wait for the rice cooker to switch to the low setting and then turn it off.

Step #17

Let your fresh cannaoil mixture cool for about five minutes.

NOTE: Rick recommends that you proceed with the next step even though some strains of cannabis can produce an oil that is finished and ready to use at this point.

Step #18

Pour the mixture into a stainless steel measuring cup, and place the cup on a coffee warmer to completely remove any water remaining in the mixture.

This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more. It all depends on the terpenes and flavonoids found in the strain you used to make your oil. The terpenes and flavonoids can cause the oil on the coffee warmer to bubble for quite some time.

Step #19

You know the water has been vaporized when all bubbling has ceased. Remove the measuring cup from the coffee warmer and set it aside to cool.

Some oily residue will remain behind in the measuring cup and the rice cooker. There are a number of options for dealing with these leftovers.

  1. You can soak it up with a piece of bread and consume it as medicine later. Keep in mind that the effects of edibles can take an hour or more to kick in. Be careful how much oil-soaked bread you consume.
  2. Wash the cup or the pot with a small amount of alcohol. This creates a hemp oil tincture that varies in medicinal value depending on the amount of oil the alcohol contains. You can use the isopropyl alcohol you used in the first few steps, but don't drink this mixture. Use the isopropyl alcohol tincture on your skin instead. For a tincture you can ingest, wash the rice cooker with a small amount of high-proof drinking alcohol like vodka or Everclear.
  3. Leave the leftovers in the rice cooker for the next time you make cannabis oil. Mixing the oils from different strains can have many beneficial medicinal effects.
  4. Place a small amount of loose tobacco in the rice cooker and heat until the oil is absorbed. The cannabis oil reduces many of the harmful properties contained in the tobacco.


Step #20

After the oil has cooled, draw the warm mixture up into large needleless syringes and allow the mixture to cool into a thick grease like substance that you can easily squeeze out of the syringe. Place the syringe in a cup of hot water if you have trouble squeezing it out after it has cooled.

If you're not going to use your cannabis oil right away, store it in a dark bottle with a lid or a stainless steel container and place that container in a dark, cool place. This keeps air and sunlight from damaging your valuable creation and helps the oil maintain its medical potency for a long time.

'At first, it may seem daunting for some to try to produce their own medicine,' Rick Simpson says. But in reality, the process is extremely simple. Simpson also strongly suggests mixing your favorite varieties of good indica-dominant buds to make your own custom marijuana miracle potions.

Cannabis Oil Applications


Topical Uses

You can apply Rick Simpson's cannaoil to any skin affliction. Apply the oil directly to skin cancers, cover with a bandage, and reapply and rebandage every four days until the cancer disappears.

Continue the treatment for two more weeks to completely heal any cancer cells which could remain. 'I have never seen a skin cancer return if my instructions are followed,' Rick says.

You can also try mixing your cannabis oil with coconut oil and use the concoction for general daily skin health. This mix of cannabis and coconut oil can turn your skin green for a bit depending on how well you made the cannabis oil. Don't worry though, it will wash off.

To keep this green tinge from becoming a problem, you could apply the oil at night and then scrub it off in the morning when you shower.

Edible Uses

Cannabis oil is much more concentrated than regular cannabis products like the bud you smoke. For that reason, it's best to start small and work your way up from there.


Rick Simpson suggests 1 gram (or 1 ml) of homemade cannabis oil as a full dose. One gram of cannabis oil looks like a pile of about 16 to 8 grains of dry short-grain rice. But again, before you run out and down a gram of cannabis oil, Rick recommends starting small.

In general, he says, it takes new users about 90 days to work up to ingesting the full treatment without getting dysfunctionally high.

That's why Simpson starts new patients off with a serving size that looks like half a dry grain of rice. That may seem tiny and inconsequential, but remember, cannabis oil is quite a bit more concentrated than other cannabis products.

Start off taking this half-a-dry-grain-of-rice serving three times a day. An easy schedule to follow is:

  1. First thing in the morning with breakfast
  2. In the afternoon after lunch
  3. About an hour before you go to sleep

How to pick a winning slot machine at the casino. Follow this dosage for four days, then double the dosage to the size of a full grain of rice for the next four days (see the chart above). Rick typically doubles the dosage for patients every four days until they reach the full amount.

Taking the full dose head on without titrating (building up to it) will certainly not kill you. Indeed, some of his patients report enjoying the full dose right off the bat. And Simpson has seen brand new patients with no 420 fears take the full dose first thing.

Many of these patients are declared completely cancer-free just one month after beginning the full dose. According to Simpson, 'The name of the game,' in terms of actually ingesting the dose, 'is to simply get the oil into the patient's body in the easiest and most pleasant way possible.'

Dosage Methods

One of the many nice things about cannabis oil is that you can take it in a variety of ways. Below, we describe some of the most common (and easiest) ways to consume cannabis oil.

Ingest It Directly

The simplest way to consume your cannabis oil is to place it directly on top of your tongue and let it dissolve. You can also place it under your tongue and let it dissolve down your throat.

If you don't like the taste, you can also smear the oil on a piece of bread or in between two pieces of fruit (we like banana) to avoid the taste. You could also try mixing it in your favorite drink to make it easier to consume.

Ingesting the cannabis oil in this way should give you the strong kind of 11-Hydroxy-THC body high with an onset that can take up to two hours. If you're familiar with edibles, this is the same thing.

Place It Under Your Tongue (Sublingual)

Another way to consume your cannabis oil is to dab the cannaoil under your tongue and let it dissolve into your bloodstream through your sublingual artery. This method produces effects a little bit faster than ingesting it. The results will be akin to a heady marijuana tincture high.


Vaporize It

You can also vaporize cannabis oil in a vape pen. This is an extremely easy way to take your cannabis oil with you wherever you go. Simply fill up the vape pen's chamber with your homemade oil, and you're ready to go anytime.

Dab It

Another great way to consume cannabis oil is to dab it on a rig like a concentrate. Dabbing a bit of cannabis oil is one of the quickest ways to feel the effects.

When you vaporize the cannabis oil, as you do when you dab, the vapor is absorbed much more quickly into your bloodstream and reaches your brain much sooner than it would if you ingest it.

You will, of course, need a special dabbing rig, but the initial outlay of money is well worth it for the fast-acting high or pain relief you can achieve.

Smoke It

And, of course, you can always rely on the old tried-and-true method of consuming cannabis products: you can smoke it. How do you smoke an oil?

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Like this. For a truly out-of-this-world experience, we highly recommend first glazing a joint of your favorite marijuana strain in cannabis oil. Then, cover the whole thing in kief crystals. The resulting combination is a stone cold recreational high! Just be careful.

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How To Make Cannabis Oil: Summary

Cannabis oil is one of the purest forms of medicinal cannabis. Homemade oil made from marijuana saved Rick Simpson from a debilitating head injury and from skin cancer.

Cannabis oil is incredibly versatile as it can be applied topically, ingested, or inhaled. Simpson saved thousands of people from a myriad of maladies with nothing more than some simple materials and some really good marijuana. Honestly, you can too!

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